Unable to sleep – The Cause

We tend to misinterpret the term “tired” and “sleepy” interchangeably, but actually they are signals for very different things and it is important for us to be able to tell the difference.

Sometimes, a person might feel extremely fatigued but not be ready for sleep or some of us maybe experienced feeling tired but still find difficulties to fall asleep, this condition can be due to various factors.
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image credit : health.com

Some common things such stress, deadlines, problems can give cause people unable to sleep at night, and it also can be caused by stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine. As stimulant drugs can make it more difficult to reduce arousal and initiate sleep. Caffeine consumption has been shown to result in a longer time to fall asleep.


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image credit : abc.net.au


One of the most common reasons people unable to sleep is stress. Stress make the body feels difficult to relax and the mind feels full of tension. The ways to overcome this is to calm the mind and release the stress for the night.


Second common that causes people unable to sleep is the substances contained in beverages. If you find a correlation between your coffee or tea or soda consumption and your inability to sleep, it may be best to avoid or limit your consumption of these drinks before sleep.


Third, the circadian rhythm is also common but little known reason that causes people unable to sleep. When you don’t experience enough sunlight during the day, your body doesn’t have the opportunity to experience ‘day’ and sometimes not realize that it is time for sleep during the night.


Another factor is the bright lights on in the bedroom, it can trick your body into still thinking it is day time even though it’s already night. The bright light also prevents body to release specific hormones in the brain (melatonin).


Too much watching TV or looking at a computer screen right before bed can cause disruption in the brain’s perception of day and night. If you find yourself unable to sleep well after watching TV or computer, you should rearrange the TV and computer schedule so that it won’t disturb your sleeping time.


The key is to stick to activities and habits that you find relaxing and help to reduce over-arousal.
People with sleep problems often have difficulty relaxing... It is really important therefore that you learn to let it happen and do not try to force it. Different people find different activities relaxing so experiment to find what works best for you!

Those are the most common reasons people find it difficult to sleep. Most sleep related difficulties have solutions. As soon as you identify the cause, you are closer to overcome the problem why you are unable to sleep and experience a good night’s rest after all.



